The beginning of Hype Headz?


March 25, 2022

Q: What’s next for the brand? What do your customers and target audience have to look forward to?

A: “Well, more designs, that’s for sure! We started with what was supposed to be just shorts, and that’s all we were gonna sell, and then one idea led to another and we have shirts now. So, I feel like that’s going to keep happening, and who knows how big or how much variety we plan on having with our designs, but I can say that I’m always open to new ideas from my team so we may have hats and socks eventually, or backpacks, just to give an idea. All I can say is to stay tuned, and just know that we have some really dope pieces coming and they’ll be available for purchase soon. I am really excited and I think everyone else will be too.”

Hype Headz launches in the spring of 2023 and expect to have a new line to add to their original drop. Stay tuned!


Revamping our brand.